Behavioral Medicine

Pet Behavioral Medicine in Ellisville, MO
When your pet has a behavioral problem you cannot solve alone, we can help. Our veterinarians will examine your pet for possible physical causes of this issue. If there are no physical problems to be treated, we will help you learn how to deal with the behavioral problems through training, behavior modification, and sometimes even drug therapy.
In addition to our veterinary staff, we work with a professional, certified Animal Behaviorist, Dorene Olson. Most pet problems, such as jumping, barking, biting, separation anxiety, obsessive behavior, and house soiling, are correctable with the proper understanding of animal behavior and training techniques. Dorene is available for consultation about your pet’s problems, and she can develop a treatment regimen to deal with your pet’s behavior issues.
Schedule an appointment through our online form or by calling us directly at (636) 227-4041 today.